The truth about the anti christ

Before we know who the anti Christ is /are, we need to find out what the anti Christ actually means . AND before we get the meaning of anti Christ we will take our time to find out the meaning of Christ first .
CHRIST : christ comes from the Greek  word Christos which means someone who is anointed in which in English is prophet and in Hebrew Messiah. It's  important to know that we don't have one christ , in fact all prophets are christs .David Pbuh is a christ as written in acts 2:29-30 , so were some Jewish kings  in Levi 4:1-3 ,and Solomon pbuh ,written in 1 king1:39. So was Abraham in Genesis 20:1-9.
  Since Jesus pbuh has been given the title christ it doesn't mean anything other than prophet . So by saying Jesus christ you are saying  prophet Jesus. So anti Christ actually means anti prophets. That's people who hate prophets or deny prophets are called anti christ.
Jesus pbuh himself said in 1 John 2:22 sayS who is the lier but he that denies Jesus is the christ ? He is the anti Christ because he denies the father and the son.
It is unschorlarly if Christians tag Muslims as the anti Christ.Till when will Christians be honest with themselves,  Iso the anti Christ the Pop of Roman catholic faith as Christians claim? Or Doctor Henry Kissing?  NOW IT'S MUSLIMS ? FUNNY WORLD ISN'T IT?  The criteria is whoever denies Jesus pbuh is the anti Christ . Well Muslims accept and believe in Jesus pbuh . We as believe he is a Nabi translated as christ which in Hebrew  is messiah ,We believe he was born of a virgin as mentioned in Quran 19:17-30. We also believe He was sent by God to guide the children of Israel as mentioned in Quran 61:1-9. So actually to claim. Muslims disbelieve in Jesus pbuh is unprofessional.
  Since it's the Christians  who are attacking Muslims we will have find out from christ himself who He condemns.
Comments : Christ pbuh is talking about faith here. Jews disbelieve in him therefore they don't fall under this faith as they are already condemned because they don't believe in Jesus pbuh. But if you realize it's the Muslims and Christians who in order hands believes in Jesus pbuh. So Among the Muslims and Christians not all of us will God to heaven said by christ Himself.
 VERSE CONTINUEOS : BUT those who does the will of the father in heaven .
COMMENT: one may ask ,what is the will of the father in heaven ? Well the answer is simple , the will of the father is for us to obey his commandments. But since Christians claim they are saved by grace and not by obeying the commandments of God as thought by appostle Paul in galatians 2:16 and galatians 5:1-5? Muslims in other hands constantly believe we are to believe in the commandments of God as sighted in Quran 3:20-22 and Quran 24:1-10.  If we are to sit back and apply logic ; Christians are disqualified  because even the devil is under the Grace of God in fact other than that the devil would have been destroyed by now . And the grace of God had been there from day one even before christ was born for it doesn't rain in one man's  house.
  So Muslims believe in this and Muslims are the ones who qualify to  make it the kingdom of heaven .
VERSE CONTINUES : In my second coming , Many people will say to me , did we not heal in your name ? In your name we cast out many demons ? In your name we MaDE many miracles and wonders ?
      COMMENTS : Overhere the standard is clear that Jesus was referring to Christians because neither Muslims , nor Jews use His name in doing break and lose or perform any miracles but Christians .
VERSE CONTINUES : and I will say to them.plainly the I never knew you , flee away from me  you that dwell in lawlessness.
COMMENTS: Now christ says he don't  know Christians for they are evil and they practice lawlessness. Similarly the Quran says in Quran 98:4-6 that same Christians snd Jews and pagans will rot in the hell fire.
Until a Christian repent he is part of the condemn souls.
It is for these reasons that christ says  if you love me , keep my commandments . But how can a Christian claim to love Christ pbuh and still claim he don't know obey the commandments of God ? John 14:15.


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