
Showing posts from September, 2017

The truth about the anti christ

WHO IS THE ANTI CHRIST! Before we know who the anti Christ is /are, we need to find out what the anti Christ actually means . AND before we get the meaning of anti Christ we will take our time to find out the meaning of Christ first . CHRIST : christ comes from the Greek  word Christos which means someone who is anointed in which in English is prophet and in Hebrew Messiah. It's  important to know that we don't have one christ , in fact all prophets are christs .David Pbuh is a christ as written in acts 2:29-30 , so were some Jewish kings  in Levi 4:1-3 ,and Solomon pbuh ,written in 1 king1:39. So was Abraham in Genesis 20:1-9.   Since Jesus pbuh has been given the title christ it doesn't mean anything other than prophet . So by saying Jesus christ you are saying  prophet Jesus. So anti Christ actually means anti prophets. That's people who hate prophets or deny prophets are called anti christ. SO WHO IS/ ARE THE ANTI CHRIST? Jesus pbuh himself said in 1 John 2:2

Nigerian Pastor Arinze Okoli Mmaduabuchi says gay is no sin

General Overseer of Higher Life World Fellowship in Imo State, Pastor Arinze Okoli Mmaduabuchi, has stated that people who practise homosexuality should not be judged because it is not a sin.HE WROTE ON FACEBOOK:  If men are judged sinners because of their orientation of s3x, then all men are sinners in did. The issue here is can somebody be a gay christian. What is sin? According to James a disobedient of the law, or transgressions of the law,any man that wants the law is indebted to do the whole law, but Christ has abolished it and brought in liberty, in Christ no man is judge a sinner if he works in faith. When I say gay is no sin,I mean sin is judged sin with no disparity’s, all men have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, but in grace sin is overlooked to count men righteous through faith even though they don’t qualify. Homosexuality is not sin as am led to say,I may be wrong but God’s knows everything. We live in country that is so hypocritical that people slave themse

until I read this I found the truth

Islam (Submission to the will of GOD) is the same and the religion of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael,Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad (pbut) and all the other messengers mentioned or not mentioned in the scripture. The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20: 1-7 & Deuteronomy5: 6-21) Confirmation in the Qur'aan #1. Thou shall not take any God except one God. .. "There is no other god beside GOD," (Qur'aan 47:19) #2. Thou shall make no image of GOD. ... "There is nothing that equals like Him." (Qur'aan 42:11) ..."My Lord, make this a peaceful land, and protect me and my children from worshiping idols." (Qur'aan 4:35) #3. Thou shall not use God's name in vain. ... Do not subject GOD's name to your casual swearing, that you may appear righteous, pious, or to attain credibility among the people". (Qur'aan 2:224) #4. Thou shall honor thy mother and father. .....and your parents shall be hon

Malaysia army in Burma to help Rohingya Muslims

The Malaysian Army is finally in burma trying to help  the Rohingya Muslims where as the Bangladesh is chasing them away and refusing to give them them shelter. Bangladesh  has lost it humanity and has refused to save or give asylum  to the  poor Rohingya Muslims who are fleeing from the point of persecution . 

Revelation reveals the Quran in Style.

Revelation 14  1  And I saw the Lamb on the mountain of Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand, marked on their brows with his name and the name of his Father. THIS PARTICULAR VERSE IS TELLING US ABOUT INTERCESSION AND HOW MANY PEOPLE JESUS WILL INTERCEDE ON THEIR BEHALF.  AND THOSE PEOPLE ARE 144000 PEOPLE WHICH MAKES IT CLEAR THAT THE ONLY PEOPLE JESUS WILL SAVE IS HIS GENERATION AND THEY ARE ONLY JEWS  2  And a voice from heaven came to my ears, like the sound of great waters, and the sound of loud thunder: and the voice which came to me was like the sound of players, playing on instruments of music.  3  And they made as it seemed a new song before the high seat, and before the four beasts and the rulers: and no man might have knowledge of the song but the hundred and forty-four thousand, even those from the earth whom God has made his for a price. NOW THIS NEW VOICE ( IS NEW LANGUAGE TO THE EARS OF JOHN) AND IT'S A NEW SONG . IN THE BIBLE THERE ARE TWO TY

See how budhaism slaughtered Muslims in burma

This is how the Muslims in Burma were butchered. And the torture  they are going through . Below is the evil monks being arrested and chased by the Turkish Army . And may God help us by eradicating all these evil people in the world. 

Turkey arrives in Burma to save Rohingya Muslims

Finally the Muslims in Burma who are being killed and massacred by Islamophobians have now gotten an aid from the Turkish President "Tayib Edrogan" who believes in justice to save the innocent Muslims in the hands of the Buddhist in Burma since America and it Allies have pretended not talk about it . Similarly the CNN, BBC,DWTV AND THE ALJAZEERA'S.  This picture is a footage  of the Turkish Army .

God only accepts Atm card for tithe. Prophet Bushiri!!!

Thsee false prophets in chriatiandom  never ceases to Amaze people. I mean welcome to prophet Bushiri of Zambia'S business : " Prophet Bushiri rolls out new ATM cards to make it easy for church followers to pay for tithes automatically every Sunday. What would Jesus say?"

ISIS Imam Arrested

Libyan security forces have arrested a Mossad agent who held a leading position in Daesh in the north-eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, the Israeli website   Inian Merkazi   reported. The Hebrew website whose name translates to “Central Issues”, added that Ephraim Benjamin is a Jewish spy and that he mingled with Libyans following the 2011 revolution that resulted in the ouster of former dictator Moammer Ghaddafi. Masr Alarabia  website described him as one of Mossad’s “Arabists” who are characterised by Arab features and who speak Arabic fluently in local dialects. Israeli Arabists are known for infiltrating Palestinian protests and arresting demonstrators, as well as assassinating anti-occupation Palestinian activists, according to Masr Alarabia ."

Why kabbah is the house of God!!!

Psalms 84:4-7 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah.  OVER HERE GOD IS BLESSING  CERTAIN PEOPLE WHO DWELL AND ALWAYS STAY IN THE HOUSE OF GOD PRAISING HIM. One have to know that it's only in Makkah in the house of kabbah anciently bacca that people don't sleep . Where they pray and worship God 24 hrs a day.  And that is what God is referring to. SELA in the poem means Salah which means prayer . And that is the Islamic prayer . To prove more you can read psalms 95:1-6. Where people bow down and worship God  on their faces to the ground . Therefore the Salah which means prayer or meditation is Islamic prayer. So not only does this people praise God ,"labaikalaahumma labaika labaikalaashariika lake labaika" praising God but they bow down and pray to God which was done by all prophets. Jesus in Matt 26:39, mosses numbers 20:6 Nehemiah 8 :4-6. Joshua 5:14-15. Etc  5  Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose he

Seek Justice for the blood of Nana Yaw Owusu

Its not been a while when a soldier was murdered by civilians in a village called Denkyira Obuasi, in which the case is still at the law court. Well similarly we are having another case of which a military man stabbed an innocent civilian on the road side . The report from the deceased sister "Cilla Afrifa" says : big brother Nana Yaw Owusu was called by his Muslim friends this sala to come and eat with them at kasoa high tension, so he dress up and left the house to go and eat with his friends. They were all eating by the roadside when they were approached by 3 guys in military uniform saying they want to search them all and they allowed them to do their work, after searching them, nothing was found on them and one of the soldiers asked my brother to give him his phone  and brother refused to give it to him. This soldier still wanted to take his phone but my brother said which got the soldier angry and the next thing was the soldier's knife to my brother's