Winners Chapel in trouble !!!

For the past 13 years now , Pastors in winners chapel have been fighting over the Issue of who the owner of the church "Winners Chapel" should be. The Ghanaians claiming its theirs where as the Nigerian Pastors too claiming  the same. The chaos  between these self acclaimed men of God has made the church "Winners Chapel" to lose some of  its members in Ghana.
But these questions arises in the mind of critical thinkers !
*how can people be fighting over church ownerships if it's God they are serving and not doing business?
* Doesn't the church belongs to God ?
*Isn't the offerings supposed to be given to God ?
* If that is the case then why fight over the temple that does not belongs to any human but God?
*Why doesn't the holy spirit pin-point the owner of the church ?
*Why can't men of God solve problems amicably but then always run to court ?
*Are the pastors telling us they believe in the laws of men over that of God?
  Well as Jesus pbuh said "By their fruits you shall know them " Matt 7:15-16
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? It's about time when Christians have to come to their senses and embrace Islam the true religion of God.


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