A prophet/pastor spotted half naked in a movie

Sometimes people see us as enemies of Christ but the reality is we are his true lovers who will not sit back and allow evil to take over mother Ghana. Few months a go, one fake prophet who who  claimed to be called by God resignated from prophethood to his hi-life music.Now we we have another self aclaimed man of God "Majin Mitchell" the hot fuck actor who wouldnt mine going nude in movies claiming God has called him.Well that's not our problem but what is so weird is ,we just spotted him in a new movies "Adam and Eve" where the self aclaimed man of God is spotted naked with a woman playing the role of Adam and Eve in the garden of eden? How on earth will any man of God dress like that when Exodus 28:2-10 has taught us how men of God should dress like ? How on earth will he even accept a woman to dress like that when 1 Timothy 2:9-13 has taught us how to dress? Well by their fruits you shall know them.


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